Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

This is the place to talk about and share things related to CNC plasma machines using UCCNC

Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby Robertspark » Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:06 am


I'll try to list the problems or issues

Ok, so I installed the uccnc dropbox folder to a clean / new install of UCCNC.

I used the /p NeuronPlasma switch so that the profile starts.

As I am at work at the moment, my PC is running in Demo Mode, and I select UC400 (I have a UC400 and a UC300ETH), Keith is running a UC400ETH. So I presume most users of the neuron will be running either a UC300ETH or a UC400ETH, but I guess you could also use a UC100 if you REALLY wanted to give it a go.

Back to the issue.... load UC400ETH motion controller.

And I am presented with this screenset.
2019-01-09 10_37_44-Program Manager.png

(1) I am presented with a "Start Axis Reference" Message box {from the constructor macro}
For the neuron LITE this should not be needed?
So, can we just delete all content of the constructor macro M99998?

(2) I presume that the Cyrillic text button is for the LASER? (next to the TEST button)

(3) All of the LED's below the toolpath window have no text denoting what they are?
I presume we have the wrong background loaded for the UC400ETH motion controller / screenset.

(4) The THC Response Slider has been removed, are we not able to use this to fine tune the profile?

2019-01-09 11_00_58-UCCNC software _ Running in demo mode....png

Now when I go to close down UCCNC I am presented with this Cyrillic ??? message box which is from the deconstructor macro.
Given I have a Neuron Lite, I presume that this is not required and I can delete all of the text within the M99999 macro?
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby Robertspark » Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:19 am


When I start the UC300ETH_5LPT motion controller screenset option, I am presented with this screenset.
2019-01-09 11_08_00-UCCNC software _ Running in demo mode....png

Ignoring the constructor macro message box (as I've already discussed it elsewhere)

The screenset is now different as you can see and the screenset now has a few more buttons where item (1) is highlighted.

Also the LED's are gone from item (2)

And the THC Response Slider (3) is gone {same as UC400ETH}

(4) if you compare the UC400 and UC300 screensets, you'll see that they are different in this area (some of the buttons have been moved down to the bottom bar below the toolpath) What people have said to me is "consistency" .... the neuron lacks a standard or common screenset or display across the Neuron LITE

I have tried a few times to sort out a screenset (in fact I have one sorted for the UC100 and am now copying it to the UC400ETH, UC300ETH_5LPT and UC300ETH_UB1 screensets from the current development release of UCCNC) but it all takes time...... and can be very slow going (i edit the screenset file directly in notpad++ as it is quicker....)
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby shad » Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:48 am

Start to edit UCCNC screen and set for example for Neuron PlasmaPanel layer #550, for OxyFuel #560
Save UCCNC screenset and close.
Open profile file and change
Code: Select all
-- Andrew
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby shad » Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:52 am

Rob, looks like screenset files not uploaded.
Please download now - UC400ETH work fine.
Please clean M99999 and M99998 macros - just we always start from Homing axis.
-- Andrew
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby shad » Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:58 am

A lot buttons was removed, because we add "GoToPosition" window. Just click on the GoToPosition button.
We remove THC response slider, because sometimes operator changed this value without realizing that is - yes, Sometimes it happens :o
If you want we can return this option for English screenset.
-- Andrew
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby Robertspark » Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:18 pm

shad wrote:A lot buttons was removed, because we add "GoToPosition" window. Just click on the GoToPosition button.
We remove THC response slider, because sometimes operator changed this value without realizing that is - yes, Sometimes it happens :o
If you want we can return this option for English screenset.

Ok, leave it off, as long as it is still linked to the screenset slider number I can add it back in on my screenset. :D :D
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby shad » Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:35 pm

Ok, I will restore slider handler in the plugin.
-- Andrew
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby Robertspark » Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:05 pm


Neuron Macros,

At present you have listed

M3 - torch on
M4 - not required
M5 - torch off, wait for retract {consider adding a status error message if it timesout}
M6 - toolchange, not required by Neuron THC, can delete content.
M7 - not required
M8 - not required
M9 - not required
M10 - within controller {built in uccnc function}
M11 - within controller {built in uccnc function}
M30 - programme rewind {built in uccnc function}
M31 - probing macro, not required by Neuron THC, can delete content.
M106 - {built in uccnc function}
M107 - {built in uccnc function}
M200 - Park Position 1 Macro, not required by Neuron THC, can delete content.
M201 - Park Position 2 Macro, not required by Neuron THC, can delete content.
M202 - Park Position 3 Macro, not required by Neuron THC, can delete content.
M203 - plasma touch off macro, not required by Neuron THC, can delete content.
M204 - Go to zero with safe Z, not required by Neuron THC, can delete content.
M205 - {built in uccnc function} - THC ON in sync with motion
M206 - {built in uccnc function} - THC OFF in sync with motion

recommend add the following "blank" macros as they are built into UCCNC and you cannot use them to perform other functions.
M207 - {built in uccnc function} - THC delay ON in sync with motion {not required for NEURON}
M208 - {built in uccnc function} - THC delay OFF in sync with motion {not required for NEURON}
M209 - {built in uccnc function} - THC anti-dive ON in sync with motion {not required for NEURON}
M210 - {built in uccnc function} - THC anti-dive ON in sync with motion {not required for NEURON}
M211 - {built in uccnc function} - THC anti-down ON in sync with motion {not required for NEURON}
M212 - {built in uccnc function} - THC anti-down ON in sync with motion {not required for NEURON}
M213 - {built in uccnc function} not required by Neuron THC
M214 - {built in uccnc function} not required by Neuron THC

M405 - Neuron Marking Mode Macro
M406 - Neuron Rip Cut {This may be named internally incorrectly as it looks for field 2708 as a codeblock)
M407 - Neuron Rip Cut

M410 - Tube Cutting / Cuttoff Macro {not sure if it is working, code looks a little short??}

M411 - Neuron Macro to Start OxyFuel Cutting
M412 - Neuron Macro to Stop OxyFuel Cutting

M414 - Neuron Startup Macro / Dialog Form {not required WITHOUT NEURON BOB}

M425 - Neuron Macro for Test Interface Board {not required WITHOUT NEURON BOB}
M426 - Neuron Macro for Test Interface Board {not required WITHOUT NEURON BOB}
M427 - Neuron Macro for Test Interface Board {not required WITHOUT NEURON BOB}

M501 - Neuron Startup Macro / Dialog Form {not required WITHOUT NEURON BOB}

M502 - Neuron Pro Macro (Oxy) Dialog Form {Not required with Neuron LITE}

M550 - ?? Constructor Macro ?? Not sure if required ??

M1002 - Neuron Pro Macro macroloop for control ventilation during cutting {3 sections of table}

M1003 - Neuron macroloop to message the operator Not sure if required ?? {Russian Text / Operator Message}

M1004 - Neuron macroloop to message the operator Not sure if required ?? {Russian Text / Operator Message}

M1005 - Neuron macroloop to activate output on ArkOK event (Operator Light??)

M1006 - Neuron Macro to Set feedrate on first reset

M20300 - Neuron Custom ButtonCode : Set next line macro??? Run from here??

M20736 - Neuron Custom Buttoncode : Driver enable/disable button code ????
M20737 - Neuron Custom Buttoncode : Driver enable/disable button code ????

M20738 - Neuron Custom Buttoncode : Laser Pointer

M20739 - Neuron Macro to turn off OxyFuel torch (CycleStart Button??)

M27058 - Neuron Startup Form / Dialog (Not sure if required?? Or current ??)

M99998 - Constructor macro

M99999 - Deconstructor macro

Are all of these current / Workable / useful Macros for the LITE or PRO??

Maybe a description like the M405, 406 & 407 Macroz for each would be helpful??

//-- Author: Andrew Shmatok
//-- Created: 20/11/2016
//-- Modified by:
//-- Modified:
//-- Copyright: © 2010-2016 Neuron Electronics All Rights Reserved
//-- CHANGES LOG---------------
//Macros for activate Marking mode
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby Robertspark » Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:22 pm

shad wrote:Ok, I will restore slider handler in the plugin.


2019-01-09 21_02_57-Window.png

I noticed you restored the slider, but it now shows on the plasma tab too (change from layer#2 to 55? or 551?)

Also the Plate Alignment button has disappeared (image 2796)
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Re: Anyone know if Neuron forum is dead ???

Postby shad » Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:21 am

Thank you Rob, I am clean up macro folder from unused macros.
About screenset - interesting, why OxyFuel mode activated?
Neuron screen use as default 55 layer for plasma panel and 56 layer for oxyfuel.
But i am guess I need to change a lot more. OK, I will change today layer numbers and upload new screen.
It's will be 550 for plasma and 551 for oxyfuel.
-- Andrew
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