M47 L# function

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Re: M47 L# function

Postby Robertspark » Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:09 pm

Is this not the same as M98 Pxxx Lxxx?

..... From the Mach manual

10.8.5 Re-run from first line - M47
On encountering an M47 the part program will continue running from its first line. It is an
error if:
♦ M47 is executed in a subroutine
The run can be stopped by the Pause or Stop buttons
See also the use of M99 outside a subroutine to achieve the same effect.

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Re: M47 L# function

Postby Battwell » Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:31 am

i use m47 all the time on the router- for making repeat parts .
i use an m01 at the start
run job code
a move away from fixture move- so it can be reloaded
and m47 for repeat
this way it moves the head away from me and leaves the spindle running ready for next job- just press feedhold off and its away.
press stop when all parts are done.
saves a lot of time and doesnt stress spindle or electronics with constant start/stop
Uc300eth on router and mill.
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