I'm rewriting the wizards in wizard plugin and posting as individuals here. I'm eliminating the use of all the G9I(incremental) calls and adding some request such as a Z start and zero top or bottom of material.
AvB wrote:I haven't used the UCCNC wizards but wanted to say that for an amateur guy like me, it would be really great for the wizards to have a block of text somewhere on the screen that summarized the basic operations required to use the wizard. I recently used the Mach3 digitize wizard for the first time recently and thought it was crazy that you had to work out the basics through trial and error, when it would have been so much easier if the guy had included some notes like "There is no need to zero the axes before running the wizard. The wizard starts its run from current position. Probing at each point will start from safe height, not start height. Enter probe depth as negative if away is negative on Z axis". Etc,etc.
ejg3855 wrote:I am having some trouble installing this and I am not sure why.
When I go to the "configure plugin" screen and hit show it says "this plugin does not implement the showup event".
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