by Robertspark » Mon May 11, 2020 6:33 am
You can leave m205, m207 and m209 perminantly on and toggle m211 via gcode.
You could also set the gcode to have m205, m207 and m209 enabled via a setup script to be turned on (or ensure they are turned on ) and again toggle m211 when you need it.
There is no harm in having the screen buttons on the screen where you don't use the torch height control. For instance you want to check the cutting height of the thc so you could start a test cut with thc, turn it off and stop motion and check the torch height to confirm it is where it is suppose to be.
Note when you issue a torch off and thc is on the torch will try to dive because M5 is a non synchronous macro so it requires the machine to stop motion to run M5.