I'm looking at convering a large industrial CNC router over to UC CNC, however the drives are all fibreoptic controlled, they are Indramat who are a member of the SERCOS group - so I can only guess they are running SERCOS 2 protocol. Is there a way to interface with the drives, or use sercos drives in general from UC CNC?
I'd look at coding up a microcontroller to do it, but it seems you'd have to pay to get access to the sercos spec? There's some ARM related mentions from TI on the A8 processors for SERCOS 3. NetX have an interesting IC for industrial comms, but it's only a SERCOS slave, not a master.
I might need to replace one of the drives in any case with a new one as i'm told it's faulty, but replacing every drive on a large gantry router with ATC is likely a very expensive prospect?