help Axbbe Italy

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help Axbbe Italy

Postby NIKIGIO » Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:33 pm

I burned the axbbe, trying to figure out what was wrong.
UCCNC was able to move the axes, but there was no activity at port 1 pin 1 connected to a relay that activates with RESET (UCCNC).
Both pins 1 and 2 output have 12v.
Reset the connection.
Followed the manual which indicates to remove the 5 volts and press the button.
But nothing.
At this point, as indicated in the manual, I reversed (switched) the 5 volts and boom!!.
New card ordered.... can I ask you for help in the next few days???
Thank you
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Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:44 am

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