I'm coming to the final steps of a long Tree 325 UCCNC conversion and this last programming challenge has arisen and hoping that someone could advise how to perform this wish.
I have successfully installed and commissioned the 0 to 10 volts output and the CW and CCW relays driving the VFD to control the motor speed. What I would like to do is have the cooling fan for the spindle motor stay on for at least 60 seconds after the spindle motor has been commanded to stop and the RPM 0 to 10V output go to zero.
In the setup of the M3 and M4 there is a selection for a delay but when running a small GCode project as soon as the the M5 command is issued the relays drop out. But what I have seen is that the dwell is highlighted for the period of time I set in the M3 delay after off 10000. Do I have to modify the GCode to change the M5 command to M3 instead?