Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby stivemaster » Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:20 pm

Think about it, is it really? Teen fairy tales!
Ok, actually, the topic I opened is not about the incredibly synchronous codes but about the mathematics !!! UCCNC G code interpreter, unlike the interpreter of other CNC systems, does not perform an elementary circle. But a whole circle? Well all over, yes.
Oh, see if you do not like pick up your Linux CNS and develop your own system .... What to say - a very upscale and interesting way for business!
Do people need no arguments to use links to other topics and forums to support their thesis?
The people who do this are usually trolls and aim to spark a scandal, hopefully in your forum this will not happen.
In the above-mentioned topic, the developer of SHEETSAM, here as above with mathematics, says that my software just has no problems, which is obviously not true because the forum is full of reviews that 12 rules do not work together, which means they do not work.
In fact, the problem is solved entirely at the CAM level. But so far, there is no understanding of it, although I hope it will change. So citing other topics does not help if you do not understand what we are talking about!
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby cncdrive » Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:28 pm

I'm an informatic engineer MSC and my father is a mathematitian, the leader of the department of mathematics in the local University, so beleive me that I know math and that I know what I am talking about.
And by the way please stop complaining about everything and stop your rant, because if you continue this type of behaviour then you will be soon muted by me or by one of our moderators who will think it is enough now, and then you can go somewhere else to continue your rant!
You are welcome to ask questions if you don't understand something and you are also welcome to point out issues, but in a polite way please. Thank you.
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby Vmax549 » Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:20 pm

Hi StiveMaster, You are correct in that I may not know much about jet cutting systems. I started working with it in the fall of 1969 so in teh last 50 years of working with it I probably did not learn much about it. BUT it might be that I have worked with it longer than you have been alive.

You are welcome to stay and chat about things as long as you remain civil about teh discussions as I have no problem with learning something new. Otherwise "I" will be the one to send you down teh road to aggravate someone else. (;-)

Welcome aboard and have a happy Day, (;-) TP
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby stivemaster » Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:48 pm

Strangely, what of my writing, so offended? If I really wanted to offend you, I would have made a new theme for it?
Do you think I do not have more pleasant conversation topics with really nice people, and I am having fun writing in your forum. The bad thing is that I want a solution from someone because I bought his product and he does not want to give me a decision. I do not do it with pleasure, I assure you.
I decided to look for a solution for something that has not happened to me for 10 years! I will not compare 10 to 50, but during that time I have worked with different machines. Some of them branded with branded controllers, others made by me, with controllers such as Mach3, Linux CNC, GRBL and various Chinese controllers.
What I described happens only to your controller and I can upload files to test on different controllers to make sure it is. But this may not make sense, obviously here the different opinion, especially if it is critical, is not accepted and you all find it even offensive.
So maybe it's good to quit but remind you that this attitude does not honor you.

Just add to what I was offered - plasma cutting - lead out to be set as -0.01mm. In plasma it will work, but in gas flame cutting is not a solution because it damages the contour when there is no lead out.

Be alive and healthy and better!
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby Vmax549 » Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:00 pm

In flame cutting that -0.01 would never be noticed any more than it would be for plasma as teh Oxygen orifice (cutting gas) is larger than that same as with a plasma torch.

The UCCNC group is a friendly helpful group and we expect everyone that joins to act in a civil and friendly manor.

Most people that understand DIY CNC understands the virtues and limitations of a developing controller. What you have today is what you have to work with and things MAY or may not be added in teh future. The UCCNC developers have a game plan as to what they want UCCNC to be. It is their controller and THEIR time AND MONEY and they have the final say so on how and when it will be developed.

We all have put in ideas and even have discussed the point and counter points of having such features But in teh end it is UCCNC's call on IF it may be added in teh future. THEY understand their market FAR BETTER than any of us as we have very little skin in the game.

(;-) TP
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby beefy » Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:23 pm


so you say you have developed your super fast PID controlled THC.

It seems now, to complete your package, you are expecting hobby priced cam and cnc controller software to be perfect for everything you need. That why I said in the Sheetcam forum that maybe you need to get in touch with the big boys like Siemens, Hypertherm, etc. I'm sure for a price (which you won't like) they may be able to give you everything you desire.

If you didn't come across so aggressive and arrogant, and complaining how Sheetcam and UCCNC is so lacking, people may not take offense at you. It seems you can't even say a little thanks when someone offers you a suggestion, but you are very fast to say everything that you think is wrong.

You say people don't know what they are talking about yet you don't even know what overcut is in plasma cutting, and you think 1/100th mm is going to affect gas flame cutting. The more I hear what you say, the less confidence I have that you know very much about plasma cutting.

When I first bought UCCNC and a controller board and did all my testing, I found quite a few bugs. Cncdrive got them all sorted out quite quickly. As time progressed they added various new features at users request. Is UCCNC perfect, no. Is it relatively cheap yes. Overall do I think it's great for the price, absolutely. I consider myself lucky to have UCCNC come along after using Mach3.

Show a bit more calm and respect, and talk politely and who knows, you may get better results.
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby stivemaster » Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:18 am

Mr. Beefy what is your role in this topic? Interestingly why your posts are not visible to moderators. Because your goal is not to help or share right?
Before writing, cut off a gas flame with and then without a lead out and then see the difference. The flame cutting is not like plasma and the burner does not stop as fast as the plasma.
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby stivemaster » Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:52 am

Okay, dividing the full circle into two or more arcs really solves the problem. That's exactly what i have suggested cncdrive in post 4 on this topic for which I thank.
I have done nothing more to write.
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby beefy » Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:06 pm

stivemaster wrote:Mr. Beefy what is your role in this topic? Interestingly why your posts are not visible to moderators. Because your goal is not to help or share right?
Before writing, cut off a gas flame with and then without a lead out and then see the difference. The flame cutting is not like plasma and the burner does not stop as fast as the plasma.

Mr. Beefy what is your role in this topic?
Well, as far as I'm aware, this is a >> PUBLIC << discussion forum about UCCNC and I believe I'm entitled to join in any conversation here. I'm sure the moderator will tell me otherwise, or ban me if I'm doing anything wrong.
If you do not like others to say anything that does not fit in with your desires, then maybe you should not be asking your questions here.
Anyway, when I tried to help you with a solution to the full circle problem (you know, the one where you did not know what overcut is despite your great knowledge of plasma, and so it also seems oxy/fuel cutting), you seen fit to ask me for further information. Now you are asking me what my role is.

Interestingly why your posts are not visible to moderators. Because your goal is not to help or share right?
Now that is news to me. So the moderator himself cannot even see what I am posting ??????? Hey Gerry, so you can't see me, I'm going to have a field day here :D
By the way Stivemaster, where did you get that information, I certainly have no idea.
Ah, and so my goal is not to help or share ?????? I guess that's why I tried to help you in this thread, despite you calling me Les' secretary on the Sheetcam forum. You have a very strange way of coming to certain conclusions. In any case, helping and sharing would not require the moderator to see my posts, it would require the general user to see my posts. You are one of them and you can obviously see my posts.

Before writing, cut off a gas flame with and then without a lead out and then see the difference. The flame cutting is not like plasma and the burner does not stop as fast as the plasma.
Cannot see how that is related to 1/100 th mm difference in distance.
In any case the more experienced users use overcut and synchronously switching off the torch during motion to get around that problem. And that problem is also well known in plasma cutting. The torch current can switch off very fast but at least in steel there is still an exothermic reaction which continues to melt the steel away after the current is switched off. Seeing as you never knew what overcut was, I don't think you have the cutting experience/knowledge to know about this.
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Re: Cutting a circle with a lead in perpendicular.

Postby stivemaster » Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:06 pm

mancavedweller wrote:Both Mach3 and UCCNC have this functionality built in. No doubt there'll be other CNC controller software that also has this functionality.

Just because it MAY be possible for Les to do it in Sheetcam does not mean it is worth his while. This is the first time I have seen someone requesting this functionality be put in Sheetcam when several CNC controller softwares already do it.

Remember this is a business for Les and there needs to be a market that will give him a financial return on whatever time and effort he puts into something.

My guess is there is a lot of programming mathmatics involved in such a modification to Sheetcam. Have a look at a trigonometry book to see what's involved in calculating arc lengths, travel direction, etc in 4 different quadrants, then add in calculating acceleration/deceleration and working out distances along the lines/arcs of the cut path to put in a THC ON/OFF code. After such code is developed there will no doubt be bugs found which need to be traced and corrected.

If Les thinks this will not make any difference to his sales, then in a business sense it's a complete waste of his time, and he could be focusing his efforts on something else. I've been in business and you learn not to put time and effort into something that gives you very little or nothing back, or worse it costs you because you could have been doing something much more productive.

I'm also developing my own THC and so far have not had any problems using Path Rules and Action Points to insert code wherever I want it..

I know it's better not to answer you because it's your goal but .....
What is the link between Les and this one here? Or does that make sense from your post?
Is this your post, which you call help? (As a rule, in this case a different nickname is used in each forum!)Thanks, but I do not see any help in it. Such posts are valued in the same way in each forum. That is why I asked you what you think you are doing in my topic?
How can some people get only the worst of us.
Do not answer me please!
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