I noticed a strange behavior. To be sure, I checked also with a new UCCNC installation, different computer. UCCNC v1.2117, demo mode, no machine connected.
Program start (obviously in RESET mode which should be), type M200 (let's say) in MDI, "The reset logic of the software is active!" window pop-up (which is also OK)
but, after toggle the reset button twice (and not having the machine homed), coming back in the reset mode, type M200 in MDI, I get "The machine was not yet homed, home the machine before run to parking position!" message window, not the "The reset logic..." one.
After I get rid of this message and type again M200 I get the normal notification about reset logic mode
It seems this happen with other macros, too
M7, let's say, same scenario:
put the machine online then put it in reset mode and type M7 in MDI, even in reset mode the output is activated
can somebody else confirm this behavior?