Positive variable as negative value and other bugs

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Positive variable as negative value and other bugs

Postby Ruslan » Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:08 pm

Started to work with UCCNC and found many bugs, and things that work how theu should not work. One if the bug is when I put a variable as positive number #1=100 and want to use it for example as negative value for I value in G2 code(G2 G91 X0 Y0 I-#1 J0) it does not work. It must work as positive value 100 change a sign to minus. This how it works on HAAS machines, in chinese cnc controller CNC4640 if we want to change a sign for positive value we take it in brackets, I[-#1].
Next bug is order of G91/G90 and other G codes. I found out that UCCNC wants G90(orG91) first in line and then other codes, but in manual I read "The G91 command can be executed any time in code execution or via the MDI", and in reality it must be as in manual but it is not so.
One more bug with canned cycles R value. For example I want to drill holes, I wrote:
G90 G54
G0 Z50.
S1000 M3
X0 Y0
G98 G83 Z-10. R1. Q1. F100.
X100. Y50.
First hole is drilled from R(1mm), then it returns to Z50 with rapid feed, then it goes to X100 Y50 with rapid speed, but next move in Z negative direction with F100, But it must be with rapid. This bug presents in all canned cycles. I wonder why this primitive bug is still presents in UCCNC if it had many bug fixes. I cant believe that users are not using drill cycles. This is kind of absurd.
I had a lot of years of working on different industry VMCs and they all functions working clearly, even stripped down chinese CNC4640 works well with such simple things. :o
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Re: Positive variable as negative value and other bugs

Postby cncdrive » Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:55 pm

We had some discussion earlier with some forum members about the canned cycles R parameter.
The problem is that the R is not sticky in the UCCNC.
We fixed it in 1.2116, but was fixed not correctly, so currently there is no UCCNC version where the R is sticky.
It is now fixed properly, but will be working fine sticky in the coming soon 1.2117 version.
For now you can add the R parameter for each canned cycle lines to make it work properly, because R is now not sticky, which means it drops it's value.

UCCNC does not accept negation for #vars currently, so -#var has no meaning to the UCCNC now.
It is planned that we will add support for the - sign before the #var.

The G90/G91 I will have to test to see...
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Re: Positive variable as negative value and other bugs

Postby Ruslan » Sun Dec 10, 2023 8:30 am

I read about R that it is not sticky and found how temporary solve this by adding R to each line with coordinates. What about negative variables, it is very important to me because I use it every day. So please fix this urgent bugs, dont add any new features, only fix bugs. I liked UCCNC software for it flexibility, but I slightly dissapointed that it contains bugs in such very important and necessary functions. I planned to retrofit all my machines to UCCNC but now I doubt.
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Re: Positive variable as negative value and other bugs

Postby cncdrive » Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:28 pm

I think you have a misunderstanding about what a bug is.
A bug is an error in the code, an erratic behaviour of a software.

The UCCNC can't hande the #var negation is not a bug, not an erratic behaviour, it is a limitation of the software.
So, there is nothing to fix about it.
But we can consider adding support for the software to handle #variables negation.
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Re: Positive variable as negative value and other bugs

Postby Ruslan » Sun Dec 10, 2023 2:30 pm

May be you are write. If you can, please add support vars negotiation because it is very important for any cnc control. And fix R not sticky in canned cycles.
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Re: Positive variable as negative value and other bugs

Postby cncdrive » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:57 pm

R sticky issue is already fixed, but was not released yet.
The support for -#vars will try to implement asap.
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