Hi Clive,
It took me a bit of head scratching to pickup G76 in UCCNC (sim to LinuxCNC), as I had used Mach3 for Lathe prior and its different.
I wound up creating the attached calculator in Excel to get me in the ball park, and from there I would tweak the I, J, K values on either the male or female thread till I was happy with the fit. So in the end, my actual GCode is slightly off of calculated values based on starting with thread chart data...
First, a few warnings for you:
-- I am not a pro at lathe GCode, and by no means is there zero chance I have not made a mistake in what I tell you

-- I work in SI inch units, but I did make a page and attempted to convert it to metric for you.
-- I work in DIAMETER mode, the values and GCode sample is based on diameter mode. even thread depth K, depth per pass J, and the I offset value are a 'diameter'. If you work in radius, cut everything in half.
-- In the code I run on my part, I set the Q value to 0 instead of 29 (I'm machining Delrin in this example, and I was happier with the finish plunging straight in instead of at tooth leadin angle)
-- The biggest hiccup I think I ran into was making sure to set the I value to a negative number for OD threads, and setting I to a positive value for ID threads. Evey thing else is positive.
-- Calculate a comfortable drive line diameter to start from, and make sure you move to that diameter before starting your G76.
And here is some sample chunks of a Gcode file (WARNING: DIAMETER MODE AND INCH UNITS, for a slightly modified .875-20 thread) :
OD Male Thread:
- Code: Select all
G0 X2 Z4
G00 X0.925
G00 Z1.75
G00 X0.986 (driveline x0.986, UC uses this diam to set clearance for return)
M03 S800
G4 P2
G76 P.05 Z1.365 I-.116 J.020 K.070 E0 L0 Q0 H3
ID Female thread:
- Code: Select all
M6 T1111 (ID M6 THreading tool 11 )
G00 X2 Z2.5
G00 X0.7
G00 Z1.1
G00 X0.710 (Driveline 0.710, this diam becomes the clearance)
M03 S800
G76 P.05 Z0.590 I0.112 J.020 K.060 E0 L0 Q0 H3
Good luck