Firstly I appologise for posting something about the Neuron on this forum, but as this issue concerns the Neuron and UCCNC I thought it best to post it here, given Andrew and Balazs frequent this forum I thought it best to ask the questions here to get a combined response about potential latency issues.
The Neuron Lite (+ pro) operate with UCCNC via a plugin, and the only hard wired interface (high speed) interface between the neuron and the UC motion controller is an input for the Neuron to lock the THC and inhibit z-axis motion.
All other functions and information are passed between the neuron and UCCNC via an ethernet connection and the Neuron Plugin.
Amongst other things, this also includes when the torch is to be ON / OFF and also when the ARCOK signal is recieved by the Neuron.
The torch ON / OFF signal is not a big issue as I believe I have a way of dealing with any latency + overburn issues and using M10/M11 via the motion controller directly + the UB1 breakout board (happy to go into in a seperate thread if someone wants to know).
The ARCOK signal is the one that is causing me some thought at present with regards to "potential" latency / signal delay and also the use of UCCNC's very good (exact) lost arc position backup.
I was wondering what the potential delay was from the time the Neuron recieves a change in state of the ARCOK signal input to the time that the UC Motion Controller becomes aware of the lost ARCOK signal and can respond to it.
The reason why I ask this is because of a few things
1) ARCOK provides the pierce delay before X/Y motion begins .... if this signal is delayed motion may be delayed to begin (I suspect that this is an internal function within the UC motion controller wating for the ARCOK signal to be recieved).
2) [as I understand it] ARCOK if lost during the cut (M3 or M10 active) will allow the motion controller to internally record the lost arc position precisly, decelerate + stop the X + Y motion and backup to the exact postion of where the ARCOK was lost before a restart can be issued [All done within the motion controller]. If there is a delay in recieving this ARCOK signal because it has to be forwarded by the Neuron, back via ethernet, via the plugin loop, via the buffer and out the motion controller, the exact postion of the lost arc may be inaccurate given there may have been some delay in recieving the signal.
The fix I was wondering was to wire up the lost arc signal to both the Neuron and to one of the UB1 inputs, that way the UC motion controller AND the Neuron THC both recieve the signal at exactly the same time.
What do you think, is this a non-problem or a potential issue?
I'Il ask this question also because I've seen some comments about lost arc and the backup and restart not happening in the right location, could it be possible that the reason for this is latency in the UC motion controller recieving the ARCOK signal from the neuron via ethernet + plugin + UCCNC buffer? hence the restart may be on the wrong line or wrong location (slightly)?