Automatic Sliding Tool Rack Q408 Stepcraft

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Automatic Sliding Tool Rack Q408 Stepcraft

Postby Alcyde » Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:06 pm

Hello everybody,

I would like to add an automatic sliding table to my brand-new Q408, similar to this system:

Unfortunately, this system is no longer available, but I can build one myself.

My question is: does anyone have this system? If so, could you tell me what G-code activates the sliding piston and which output it uses? My ATC works fine, but I need to control the sliding rack with some G-code.

Thank You ! :D
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Re: Automatic Sliding Tool Rack Q408 Stepcraft

Postby cncdrive » Wed Feb 05, 2025 3:22 pm

You can open the ATC M6 macro and modify the code, add the code to move the sliding table.
You can do it with exec.Code("C0"); exec.Code(C100); etc. assuming that the table is moved with a stepper motor and drive and you configured it as C axis for example.
Or if it is controlled by an actuator with a relay valve then you could use the exec.Setoutput and exec.Clearoutput functions to activate/deactivate the vavle to move the table.
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